P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081-- brandywine@juno.com
Nonviolence Guidelines for Declaration of Peace Activities
Our attitude will be one of nonviolence, openness and respect toward all we encounter.
We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.
We will not destroy or damage any property.
When engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience, we will accept the consequences of our actions.
We will not carry anything that could be construed as a weapon
We will not bring or use alcohol or drugs (except for medical purposes).
These guidelines are designed to create actions for peace that are nonviolent, secure and unifying, and that invite the majority in this country to take steps to call for an end to the US war in Iraq. All individuals participating in nonviolent civil disobedience are strongly encouraged to take nonviolent action training. Please contact the Declaration of Peace for assistance in organizing a nonviolence training, or finding someone in your area who can facilitate one.